Max Meditation

The Max Meditation System™ is designed for the Western mind. It blends modern psychology and neuro-lingistic programming with ancient techniques, to provide a truly revitalizing experience.

It begins with a guided relaxation of the physical body, and then moves through a mental relaxation and visualization that enables you to transcend your mind.

Duration: 60 minutes

Benefits include: Reduced stress and tension, increased clarity, better understanding of oneself, boosted confidence, enhanced energy and creativity, and a general sense of well-being and peace.

What do I need?

  • A chair - you’ll be seated upright for the entire meditation

  • A space you can be still in for 60 minutes


Online meditations are usually donation-optional.
In-person are donation-optional or a low exchange amount.
Meditations led for you or your group depend on the number of people and location.

Contact Emily for details.

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Next Date and Location: TBD

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